Loved Ones against Corona
Virus with HELF Disposable
Remote Control Covers!

Control Covers are
globally patented.

remote controls, especially in
public areas such as hospitals,
hotels and offices, is very high.

different viruses and bacteria
which can be transmitted by
human touch.

Be the First to Touch
Hygienic Cover HELF
Thanks to its patented design, HELF guarantees that you are the first to use the control, hence it protects your personal hygiene, you and your loved ones from many internationally dangerous diseases.

Quick Solution
Easy to use, Disposable
HELF remote control covers are very practical and easy to use. After you put your remote into HELF cover, you can adjust the length and close the cover. The security film on top of the cover will avoid the infrared signal, hence the user cannot use the remote before peeling off the security seal. This patented security seal ensures the user to be the first to use the remote.

Protect with HELF
Avoid Infectious Diseases
In November 2014, scientists run test at the 5 star hotels in America and the results were shocking. Scientists found E.Coli and MRSA viruses on the remote.
E.Coli – Kind of bacteria that lives in large bowels of mammals.
MRSA – is an antibiotic resistant hospital virus that can be found in public places. They cause serious skin diseases
Hygienic Touch
Hygienic Cover HELF
Thanks to its patented design, HELF guarantees that you are the first to use the control, hence it protects your personal hygiene, you and your loved ones from many internationally dangerous diseases.
Practical Use
Easy to use, Disposable
HELF remote control covers are very practical and easy to use. After you put your remote into HELF cover, you can adjust the length and close the cover. The security film on top of the cover will avoid the infrared signal, hence the user cannot use the remote before peeling off the security seal. This patented security seal ensures the user to be the first to use the remote.
Protect From Viruses
Avoid Infectious Diseases
In November 2014, scientists run test at the 5 star hotels in America and the results were shocking. Scientists found E.Coli and MRSA viruses on the remote.
E.Coli – Kind of bacteria that lives in large bowels of mammals.
MRSA – is an antibiotic resistant hospital virus that can be found in public places. They cause serious skin diseases
for your health
Using HELF
- Take out the disposable Helf! from its box.
- Insert your remote into the cover, placing infrared section of the remote upwards.
- Adjust the cover size to fit the remote and seal it up for a secure use.
- Peel off the protection film and leave the clear plastic underneath that shows you are the first and only user.
You can start using your hygienic Helf! covered remote.
Bacterial Analysis of Patient Rooms in Hospitals
Bacteria / Virus Inspection
Bacterial Analysis of Patient Rooms in Hospitals
University of Arizona Remote Control Hygiene Analysis

• Every year more than 2 million American’s come down with hospital originated infections.
• Every year nearly 90.000 people pass away due to hospital viruses.
• Person who comes down with Staphylococcus aureus infection gets treated in hospital for 14 days.
• Every year, patients coming down with hospital viruses increase the hospital expenses by 9.5 billion dollars.